Stroke Ambulance
Stroke Ambulance Background:
Evaluation of patients with a suspected stroke is one of the most common neurological emergencies requiring rapid, comprehensive assessment by the stroke service to determine patient eligibility for timely reperfusion therapies “enroute”.
Imagine someone you love having a stroke.
Time is critically important. If you live in an urban center you are likely close to a stroke center but if you live outside the city you'll need to travel to a stroke center for diagnosis and treatment and when it comes to strokes, “time to treatment” is critically important.
Receiving treatment quickly can dramatically reduce risk of long term irreversible damage and improve recovery. You simply don't have time to wait.
That's where the STROKE AMBULANCE comes in.
This a one of a kind special equipped ambulance that brings expert clinical hospital stroke center care directly to the patient thus shortening the time between stroke on-set and critically needed treatment delivery.
The STROKE AMBULANCE has highly specialized equipment (Onboard, CT, blood lab analyzer, a robust proven Telemedicine solution which fully “integrates” multi-parameter acute patient monitoring, ePCR, and interactive video conferencing with built in secure and redundant back-up capability.
Telemedicine and trained staff with stroke expertise are to able to determine if the stroke is caused by a blood clot. Diagnosis is rapid allowing for the immediate delivery of clot busting medications.

LifeBot® Telemedicine’s “award winning” proven solution (we are proud to have been chosen by University of Alberta Stroke Center as their “telemedicine” solution of choice) is a critical component of this integrated “mobile” real-time solution allowing for multi-parameter patient vital sign information along with interactive audio / video connection to the Stroke Center Hospital Specialist team.
CLICK HERE to review the Alberta University Stroke Center (STROKE AMBULANCE) clinical study.